
A swimming school for kids and adults

Goal: To receive requests for enrolling into the kid’s swimming school through Facebook advertising

The client had never launched any Facebook advertising campaign previously and they contacted us as they wanted to try out a new way of driving traffic and see the final business case — if this channel of traffic was going to be profitable for them.

They opted for working with us having received one of our former client’s recommendations. Even though we hadn’t had any previous experience in working with swimming schools advertising, we could see perfectly what strategies would work in this particular case and explained to the clients in all the details how we were going to get the necessary result.

We would always start our work with the Market Research and Competitors analysis, we figure out what types of ads our competitors launch on Facebook and Instagram and what offers they give. Moreover, we get all the necessary info from the client to take the next step.

The thing was the goal was not to attract potential clients not from all over the city but from a certain geo position (coverage — 5-6 km) to show the ads to those who live nearby.

The client wanted us to generate requests for kids group classes: adult groups had already been at their capacity while there was a certain lack of kids. So they needed to complete the kids groups first and foremost.

The whole advertising communication was built according to this goal and directed at parents with kids ages 6 and up.

We created about 10 creatives with various headings and showing a particular advantage each to reach as many parents with different needs as we could.

As for the geo, we set the area covering a 6 km distance from the swimming pool.

We launched the ads with the goal “Lead generation” and forbid the auto-fill to avoid responses filled out mechanically and added the question “What’s the most convenient way to contact you?” to make the requests even more conscious.

Once agreed upon with the client, the campaign was started.

We have learned from our big experience that it’s not a bad idea to use the strategy of ad sets at the initial ads launch when we don’t use interests at all and give the system the full freedom of campaign optimization.

In this particular case we opted exactly for the same way. We launched ten takes on agreed geos not using interests and placing it on Instagram only. We spend 30 dollars on each adset.

Having launched 10 ad sets at 30 dollars each, we in some way told Facebook: “Look, you have 10 doors here, go ahead, open all of them at once and check it out where there are people who would be interested in our offer in these areas”. As a result, following this strategy we get the first results from all 10 active ad sets in the first couple of hours even at the learning stage. Normally we’d get about 2 or 3 leads from 2 or 3 ad set out of 10 and, consequently, we’d just stop all the rest in order not to waste the budget. Next we’d focus on working with those having shown the result.

To sum up, here is what we did:

— prepared the advertising campaign