Nina is a fitness blogger and on her Instagram she’s been launching online courses in the sphere of weight loss and body shaping following the “Launching” model.


She had a pretty concrete demand: she needed to get new audience and new followers with the help of Facebook Advertising to develop her blog and scale the number of sales at each launch of her online course.

Goal: Generate target audience for the blog — those who are interested in development in the fitness sphere

Before having contacted us, Arina had been successfully growing her blog by buying advertising at other blogs. At that moment she wanted to try if targeting would work as a way of scaling her business and attracting new audience.

She followed one of her friend's recommendation to collaborate with us — we’d previously created a dozen successful advertising campaigns in the sphere of e-learning.

We would always start our work with the Market Research and Competitors analysis, we figure out what types of ads our competitors launch on Facebook and Instagram and what offers they give. Moreover, we get all the necessary info from the client to take the next step.

To make the campaign as successful as possible and get the lowest CPF we suggested creating some free of charge bonuses and lead magnets to use as an offer and to give people for subscription. The task we opted for was ‘Traffic’ and the call for action was the simplest possible: ‘Subscribe to the blog, DM a ‘+’ and get your bonus’

We launched three video creatives at the same time, tested various audiences. As a result, the interest-based ones showed the worst result and we stopped those. Then we went on scaling the campaign up at a month's distance, increasing the budget to from ten to fifteen percent daily.

Acting this way we managed to execute a 3,164$ budget and get a follower with a 0,9$ CPF.

40,166 followers with a 0.9$ CPF

Budget: 3,164$

Campaign period: 30 days

I invite you to a 30-minute call to get acquainted with your project and find out what strategy of the advertising company we are implementing for you in order to get you the result